info Overview
Name - What is Windswept Plateau’s full name?

Windswept Plateau

Description - Describe Windswept Plateau.

"Here exists a peaceful highland of steppes and fields, the terrain itself swaying to the tune of the endless plumes and currents of warm wind that caress the region. It is a world of rushed merriment, as dragons dive through and curl around gigantic clouds, racing one another through pockets of swirling cool air. The messages of the world all pass through this plateau, with each dragon traveling somewhere, and for some reason, guided only by the direction of the wind and a sense of exploration." - Official Flightrising Description

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edit Notes
Windswept Plateau appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Windswept Plateau

Creature chevron_right Habitats link linked Windswept Plateau

Character chevron_right Mannerisms link mentioned Windswept Plateau

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