info Overview
Name - What is Everwood Forest’s full name?

Everwood Forest

Type - What type of location is Everwood Forest?


Description - Describe Everwood Forest.

A dense forest sporting tall, thick coastal redwood trees and small lakes.

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The Everwood Forest is filled with tons of flowers and berries, but a very dangerous flower for the cat residents that grows in this forest is Azalea. Another dangerous plant that grows here is Tiger Lily.

Non-dangerous plants that grow here are Wild Strawberries, Leopard Lilies, and Butterfly Lilies (Mariposa Lily).

Two other plants that grow here but have never been tried are Coralroots and Snowflowers.

Located at - Where is Everwood Forest located?

The Everwood Forest is located near the south of the island.

Climate - What is the climate like in Everwood Forest?

The climate in the Everwood Forest can be quite humid on rainy days, but most of the time its rather dry and somewhat hot in the Everwood Forest.

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