info Overview
Name - What is Ak’chyth’lorr-korr’s full name?


Type - What type of location is Ak’chyth’lorr-korr?


Description - Describe Ak’chyth’lorr-korr.

The home of Doro Naseku. The oldest planet ever.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Ak’chyth’lorr-korr?


Population - What is Ak’chyth’lorr-korr’s population?


Currency - What currencies are used in Ak’chyth’lorr-korr?

Xirukshes, Axexerukkian Charms (100 Xirukshes=1 Axexerukkian charm)

Motto - What is Ak’chyth’lorr-korr’s motto?

It has no motto.

Laws - What are the laws in Ak’chyth’lorr-korr?


Sports - What sports are played in Ak’chyth’lorr-korr?

Ax’ess (Basically like Soccer, but you are flying.)

brightness_1 Planets/Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Ak’chyth’lorr-korr in?


Crops - What crops does Ak’chyth’lorr-korr produce?

The widest source of Ake’shorukks in the universe.

Located at - Where is Ak’chyth’lorr-korr located?

The Universal Well

Climate - What is the climate like in Ak’chyth’lorr-korr?

Very hot.

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Ak’chyth’lorr-korr founded?

This was the first place created by Axexerukk, making it the oldest planet.

Established Year - When was Ak’chyth’lorr-korr established?


Notable Wars - What notable wars has Ak’chyth’lorr-korr been involved in?

The Old War’s final battle was fought here. The elder Deities, led by Khrarahk, drove away the demons.

edit Notes

This is the capital planet of the Universal well. And yes, I actually Drew the art.

Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Ak’chyth’lorr-korr

Location chevron_right Capital Planets/Cities link linked Ak’chyth’lorr-korr

Location chevron_right Largest Planets/Cities link linked Ak’chyth’lorr-korr

Location chevron_right Notable Planets/Cities link linked Ak’chyth’lorr-korr

This location was created by Asriel Dreemurr on

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