info Overview
Name - What is Starmetal Hills’s full name?

Starmetal Hills

Type - What type of location is Starmetal Hills?


Description - Describe Starmetal Hills.

An area of rolling hills and rocky outcrops. The Starmetal hills are so named because the area has been the impact site of a number of meteor showers over millennia.

face Culture
Population - What is Starmetal Hills’s population?

The hills are home to barbarian tribes.

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Starmetal Hills in?

The hills are a collection of rolling hills and rocky outcrops, a difficult to navigate area that is sparsely populated. The hills have been the site of many meteor strikes over the years, making them rich in minerals.

Located at - Where is Starmetal Hills located?

The hills lie directly to the east of Neverwinter Wood and north of The Sword Mountains.

The Starmetal Hills were a collection of hills directly east of Neverwinter Wood.[1][2][3]
The knolls were north of Old Owl Well and to the north-northeast of Agatha's Grove.[1] They ran parallel to the Long Road and lay to the west of Longsaddle.[2]

Geographical Features
The northernmost part of the hills was marked by Twilight Tor, founded close to Lake Glorfindar,[3] and the southern part by Berun's Hill.[2][3]

date_range History
history Changelog
edit Notes

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