info Overview
Name - What is Neverwinter Wood’s full name?

Neverwinter Wood

Type - What type of location is Neverwinter Wood?


Description - Describe Neverwinter Wood.

A vast forest east of Neverwinter and Mount Hotenow. The forest has a magical quality to it. Is also known as Llewyrrwood in Elvish.

face Culture
Population - What is Neverwinter Wood’s population?

It is said that reclusive spell-casters dwell within the woods. The wood contains Cragmaw Castle and Agatha's Lair.

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Neverwinter Wood in?

Neverwinter Wood is a vast forest with a magical quality and an air of mystical secrecy to it. Several small settlements such as Falcon's Hunting Lodge and Loggers' Camp are hidden among the trees.

Located at - Where is Neverwinter Wood located?

The wood is east of Neverwinter and Mount Hotenow. The Neverwinter River flows from Mount Hotenow through the forest.

Crops - What crops does Neverwinter Wood produce?

The wood grows thick with all sorts of plant-life; towering oaks and firs, feathery ferns, soft mosses and grasses, wildflowers, and mushrooms.

date_range History
history Changelog
edit Notes
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