Rainforest Capital
The Rainforest Capital doesn't have an official name, and is the only capital in Pyrrhia that isn't centered around a palace or castle.
The Rainforest Capital is a huge stretching city comprised of treehouses and bridges. The entire city is mostly above ground, in the trees and treetops, and only the basking platforms are visible from the sky.
Fruit, honey, flowers, seeds.
The Rainforest Capital is deep in the very heart of the Rain Kingdom.
Hot, Humid, sunny.
The Rainforest Capital is the oldest city in the Rain Kingdom, and as such doesn't have a founding date. It has continued to expand throughout the years, and as such the city is extremely confusing and easy to get lost in if you haven't lived there for a while.
The Rainforest Capital's army was put under the control of Angelica and Scorpia together during the Great War, and led attacks on four different kingdoms.