Alderden Village
A small, remote village in the kingdom of Cardoloth.
A cute little village, nearby flows a stream where the villagers gather water, bathe, and play. Trees, mostly oaks and willows, block out portions of the sky, so it has an abandoned look to it. But there are big patches and fields of sunlight for growing crops. The village is compact and all of the villagers are friendly. Everything is overgrown with vines, but the villagers keep it under control. The houses and cottages are made of wood and cobblestone, and wind chimes and light refractor are common on the porches of the houses.
Uvian, Elvish.
Commoners crystal.
We make, we give, we love.
No stealing, begging, trespassing, hate crimes, discrimination, abuse, bullying, scamming.
Scufhoop- Sitting atop a goat, a competitor will have to jump through as many hoops as they can to win. Another thing is that they have no bridle or saddle, they have to hang on for dear life. Whoever wins gets a free drink at the inn.
Sky trial- Feet strapped to an adult Razzmaw, competitors will have to disarm each other of their staffs. They will be equipped with shields and wooden swords, and they may not hold onto the staff. The staff is strapped in just enough to stay put, but is able to be knocked off with enough force. Winner gets a trinket of their liking from the village.
Cute and bright forest, with magickal creatures roaming the land.
Rice, wheat, maze, grain.
Dordover forest.
Sunny, mostly. It rains most of the other time, but during the winter months it snows HARD.
A traveling caravan decided it was a good place to make profit, and it thrived for a few years, before the king instituted new, bigger cities and villages, and they lost a lot of profit, and the village grew smaller.
No wars, but there have been a few crimes here and there.
It's a really beautiful place. The people are nice, the Fae keep their distance, but are welcome anytime. Magickal creatures are fed and nurtured if they are hurt, and are always welcome. Salem, Mollie, Bella, Sadie, and Maldan treehouse is always visited by the villagers, fae, and various friendly creatures.
This location was created by Salem Wilson on
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