info Overview
Name - What is Dakota's Farm’s full name?

Dakota's Farm

Type - What type of location is Dakota's Farm?

Home-grown farm

Description - Describe Dakota's Farm.

The property is buried deep in the Nebraskan hills, and actually fun fact, everyone knows it's there. No one wants to bother Dakota however, and since the land isn't technically owned by any citizens, they're leaving Dakota be for now.
It's only about 20 acres of land, but Dakota has built a small house, a garden, and places for their animals just fine.

face Culture
Laws - What are the laws in Dakota's Farm?

There's no laws, except for one of the Murphey category:
If an animal shows up on or near the property in a bad state, Dakota will inevitably end up adopting them.
Dakota is very exasperated by this, but they just can't turn away an animal in need. They now have over 30.

Language - What languages are spoken in Dakota's Farm?

Ooh, well, lucky you if you actually hear any language a all. Dakota rarely talks. But English, and a couple of creative Spanish swears here and there when they drop a hammer or such on their toes.

Population - What is Dakota's Farm’s population?

Counting animals:
40 regular "citizens," but if you count the 12,000 + bees and the ten or so cats that come and go for food, we're looking at the population of a small city.
Not counting animals, it's just lil old Dakota.

Currency - What currencies are used in Dakota's Farm?

Dakota buys and sells things on Amazon to pay for their animals well-being. They are NOT rich in any way, shape or form, and almost everything on their farm is DIY'd or ramshackled together, usually only staying in one piece because of Dakota's sheer willpower, and skill welding.

Sports - What sports are played in Dakota's Farm?

"Catch that stupid chicken before she gets herself killed"
"Housetraining chickens and Amazon Parrots: The race against a dirty house"
"Accurately estimate how many of your 20+ cats are actually showing up for food sometime today"
"Earning an abused rabbit's trust: The monumental task of time and patience"
"Okay, well, what am I supposed to name you?"
"Side eye your bees when you see them heading off in a direction that is not towards the clover field you planted for them"
"Find time in the day to do everything that needs to get done on your ever-growing to-do list. Hint: Your shed's still leaking. You forgot, didn't you? It's been three weeks, and now you've drowned your ginger plant."

Motto - What is Dakota's Farm’s motto?

"If I can't fix it, I can at least use it for parts."
Or, when pertaining to animals:
"If I can't fix it, at least I can feed it it"

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Dakota's Farm in?

Hills. There's grass with a few rare clumps of short, hardy pine growing here and there. If you're lucky, you might find the somehow still living skeleton of a cottonwood. I guarantee you that little dip over there you think might be dried up creek isn't dried up, it's just not creek season. In this town, your biggest struggle is going to be your ever tiring leg muscles as you try to walk up and down slopes that are way steeper than "flat" Nebraska ever gets credit for.
It's not flat. The interstate lies.

Crops - What crops does Dakota's Farm produce?

Potatoes of ALL kinds
Carrots of ALL kinds
Sweet Corn - a mini field of it
Clover - an entire field for their bees so they don't go venturing out into more dangerous territory
Cucumbers - One plant because production is crazy
Tomatoes - One plant because production is crazy
Various beans and peas
Berry bushes and plants: Mulberry, strawberry, etc.
They have various herbs:
The treasured saffron
And some others
They have a lemon tree, an apple tree, and a pear tree, though they usually can't get many pears before the animals do, and the wasps like to hang out around the apple tree.
INSIDE their house, they have:
Some cacti and succulents
A grapevine
Edible Mushrooms
And a few other plants that don't like the harsh Nebraskan winters

Located at - Where is Dakota's Farm located?

Nebraska, somewhere in the hills. Location undefined

Climate - What is the climate like in Dakota's Farm?

Summer: Rip-roaring heat, you're going to feel the skin curling off your bones in less than three hours if you're not out there in it everyday getting used to it
Winter: Frigid temperatures that aren't that bad until you add in the wind?! On no, not the wind, please, I don't want to be cut in half (Dakota has come in from tending the animals in the winter and has found flight-ice on their face and hands. The wind is no joke. It hits you like a punch, and never seems to stop)
Spring: The time for life! The time for new growth! The time for the weather to wildly swing in every direction known to man, sometimes all with in the same 24 hours. 60 degrees and sunny at noon? Watch out, because the weather man's predicting 24 and freezing rain tonight., and it's gonna start getting cold at 6:37 exactly. It just is cold and stays cold.
Fall: Good luck getting snow on Christmas, there's a decent chance you'll be walking around in a light hoodie. It does the opposite of spring. It'll get cold for a day or two, but then we're back in the 70's, baby. Summer days just drag on, and on, and on, and....

book History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has Dakota's Farm been involved in?

  • Keeping Incompetent Alive: The War Against Nature and the Whims of a Very Stupid Hen

  • Catching Injured Feral Cats to Administer Medical Attention: The Ongoing Battles of Wrestling Them into your Kitchen Without Being Shredded

  • Catching Your Arthritic Pony to Give her Arthritis Medicine, but she Hates Being Touched, Hates the Medication, and Barely Tolerates You: Another Ongoing Battle

  • Keeping Your Neurotic Pomeranian from Killing Your Chickens: This is Why we Have Two Tough Roosters

  • Gardening: The War Against Weeds

Speaking of that pony, part two of that war:

  • Grimly Holding on as she Thrashes: Hopefully This Won't Take Half an Hour Like Yesterday

  • Accidentally Spooking Your Rescued Suffolk Punch and Narrowly Avoiding Being Trampled by one of the Strongest Breeds of Horse: But He's Spooked by Almost Everything

Founding Story - How was Dakota's Farm founded?

Dakota found it. They found a patch of land far, far away from humanity, and decided, "It's mine now."
Then started building. They did NOT plan on having that many animals.

Established Year - When was Dakota's Farm established?


history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by Oakley on

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