info Overview
Name - What is [Your bedroom]’s full name?

[Your bedroom]

Type - What type of location is [Your bedroom]?

[It's just your average respiteblock.]

Description - Describe [Your bedroom].

[Your respiteblock is quite messy, but you never really care to tend to it. There's usually clothes and belongings scattered. Where you can find them of course.]

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in [Your bedroom]?

[you usually don't speak at all when you're lazing around. well, except for groaning of boredom.]

Population - What is [Your bedroom]’s population?

[a one man bedroom. or, three when your friends can tolerate the filth.]

business Cities
map Geography
Located at - Where is [Your bedroom] located?

[your hive, of course]

date_range History
edit Notes

This location was created by Mellowsauc3 on

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