info Overview
Name - What is Hong Kong’s full name?

Hong Kong

Type - What type of location is Hong Kong?

City/State Waste

Description - Describe Hong Kong.

The Region of Hong Kong Wasnt Nuked But the Radiation From the nukes that striked China Heavily thx to NATO. And the Korean Alliance Invasion of china Destroyed the city. The Once Beautiful Skyline is now Husks and Rubble of Once tall Buildings and thx to the Shear amount of skyscrapers On The Island. The river is Covered in ruins but thankfully The City Surprisingly still in almost Good condition. So factions want control.

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folder_open Faction

Hong Kong Authority: the remants of the old HK govt. They rule new Hong Kong

Crimson Dragon: A Group of Bandits working together they are a pain in the neck For the HKA. But they sell weapons to the Dawn rebels. they are based in the Sewer systems and Have Locations across the city

The Dawn Rebellion: A group of people who Dont like The way the Authority rules with a iron fist. Their main base is unknown Due to them being scattered but close to each other

New Korea: a small Shanty city made from the remants of The Korean Invasion force and People who by Unknown reasons Got over the ocean they Arnt hostile but the Authority hates them.

Bandits: Obvious

map Geography
edit Notes
date_range History
folder_open Settlements

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