info Overview
Name - What is Mahlaansizaan Forest’s full name?

Mahlaansizaan Forest

Description - Describe Mahlaansizaan Forest.

Kingdom of the Fae

Type - What type of location is Mahlaansizaan Forest?


face Culture
business Cities
map Geography
Located at - Where is Mahlaansizaan Forest located?

Located near Dragon Territory

book History
Founding Story - How was Mahlaansizaan Forest founded?

It is believed a Dragon King of old made a bet with the Fairy King, and lost the bet. Due to losing, the Dragon King of then was forced to give up part of dragon territory to the Fairies; Mahlaansizaan Forest.

history Changelog
edit Notes

In Draconic, the name means 'fallen' and 'lost'. It is home to the Kingdom of Fairies. Their rulers, King Tiberon and Queen Azalea.

Despite the dragons' hatred, the fairies show no hostility whatsoever against the beasts.


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