info Overview
Name - What is Hanakago Academy’s full name?

Hanakago Academy

Type - What type of location is Hanakago Academy?


Description - Describe Hanakago Academy.

This large boarding school has an old-fashioned look to it. Overall the school has an average reputation

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Hanakago Academy?


Population - What is Hanakago Academy’s population?

Around 560 students

Motto - What is Hanakago Academy’s motto?

A sprout today will bloom into a beautiful tree

Laws - What are the laws in Hanakago Academy?

{School rules}
Rule 1: Students must pick up after themselves
Rule 2: Fighting on school grounds is prohibited
Rule 3: Smoking and drinking is off limited for the high division
Rule 4: Leaving without permission will result in punishment (such as forced to do cleaning duty, Cellphone taken, Forced to join a club)
Rule 5: Classes start at 8:00 am sharp
Rule 6: Classes end at 4:00 pm
Rule 7: Weapons are prohibited
Rule 8: Boys and Girl must live in different dorm rooms

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map Geography
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edit Notes
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