Live kingdom
kingdom of about 38,000 (well now its 19,000)
its a Kingdom
english, sign language
38,000 (well now its 19,000)
normal dollars and bills
You only live here once don't waste your life
Rugby with smoke grenade, Basketball well an armed robot is trying to kill you and football
in the corner on grassy fields
right top corner
A space traveler named Obilia Arnector was the first person not from the world to enter in time more and more people came and they decided to start to build a kingdom. Obilia traveled to the Light lands and shadow lands two ask permission to build a kingdom in their land. They said yes and thanked him for asking so in the top right corner of the world they built the live kingdom
only two against the crystal kingdom
on every house is a long meddle pole. In the middle of the kingdom is a large tower that shoots electric lasers at every pole (not real lasers) creating electricity.
This location was created by kalebclint on
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