info Overview
Name - What is Gladias’s full name?


Type - What type of location is Gladias?

Forest world

Description - Describe Gladias.

The second only normal-like planet

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Gladias?


Population - What is Gladias’s population?

Twenty million

Currency - What currencies are used in Gladias?


Motto - What is Gladias’s motto?

No mercy for the weak

Laws - What are the laws in Gladias?

Kills are granted if evidence is sufficient enough for an honour killing.

business Cities
map Geography
Located at - Where is Gladias located?

Within the Gladias system.

Climate - What is the climate like in Gladias?


folder_open Station
date_range History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has Gladias been involved in?

Alliance-Syndicate War

edit Notes
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Gladias

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