info Overview
Name - What is Heier, New York ’s full name?

Heier, New York

Description - Describe Heier, New York .

Pronounced "higher"

face Culture
Sports - What sports are played in Heier, New York ?


Laws - What are the laws in Heier, New York ?

see vareon

Currency - What currencies are used in Heier, New York ?

the universe's standardized currency units

Population - What is Heier, New York ’s population?


business Cities
map Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in Heier, New York ?


Located at - Where is Heier, New York located?

what i'm

Crops - What crops does Heier, New York produce?

corn. lots and lots of corn.

Area - What kind of area is Heier, New York in?

Hills and corn

date_range History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has Heier, New York been involved in?

zippity squat.

history Changelog
edit Notes

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