The Most Honourable Kingdom of Halfsky
Halfsky is a tourist's dream, beautiful and populated and creative... the food is to die for, the architecture is stunning and the weather is just gorgeous.
Halfskyian, English, French
28.9 people as of right now.
Galets, worth 0.5 NZD
Jetons, worth 1.2 NZD
Mari Eneira del Coruna- Treasure only your soul
Thievery, murder, cruelty, bigoted behaviour and lack of knowledge are not tolerated in Halfsky.
Hockey, Basketball, Tug of War, Swimming and the national sport, Swingboating.
It's in a grassy, mountainous area.
Flowers, mostly, as well as berries, apples, oranges and plums.
The northern hemisphere of a planet called Moonshaker.
Warm and breezy, with little rain but enough to water crops and supply drinking water to the pouplation.
Wisgothian War: 1677-1681. Nearby country Laskamute wanted to claim Halfsky's rolling hills for themselves.
The War of 1000 years- 1734-1749. It didn't last 1000 years but with neighbouring country Dellaflie constantly stealing riches the citizens felt like it took a long time.
The Red War- 1912-1917. Pirates from a distant country Sterling invaded and the navy spent years fighting back. Called the Red War because the waters of Grason Harbour were red with blood.