info Overview
Name - What is Crucia’s full name?


Type - What type of location is Crucia?


Description - Describe Crucia.

The area controlled by the Crucia Family

face Culture
business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Crucia in?

A lot of it is contained within deep valleys, with the most wretched living in underground caverns

Located at - Where is Crucia located?
Climate - What is the climate like in Crucia?

Cold and Wet

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Crucia founded?

The Crucia were some of the first to settle in the North, and initially began a reputation of senseless violence and aggression before the other families began to bring standards up to a respectable level.

Notable Wars - What notable wars has Crucia been involved in?

Anyone who tries to get the Crucia to do anything useful can be considered at war with them. For that reason, most of the families have been at war with the Crucia since before most of the current leaders were born.

edit Notes
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Crucia

Group chevron_right Locations link linked Crucia

Scene chevron_right Locations in scene link linked Crucia

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