info Overview
Name - What is England Country Home, UN ’s full name?

England Country Home, UN

Type - What type of location is England Country Home, UN ?

Fifteen people live there, but barely noticeable from the outside

Description - Describe England Country Home, UN .

Rainy, over cast, gloomy, dead

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in England Country Home, UN ?


Population - What is England Country Home, UN ’s population?


Currency - What currencies are used in England Country Home, UN ?


Motto - What is England Country Home, UN ’s motto?

Don't die. We're going to have fun very soon.

Laws - What are the laws in England Country Home, UN ?

Don't talk to Jul
Don't talk to each other
Don't get on Jul's bad side
Don't run away

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is England Country Home, UN in?

England country side

Crops - What crops does England Country Home, UN produce?


Located at - Where is England Country Home, UN located?


Climate - What is the climate like in England Country Home, UN ?

Rainy, over cast, gloomy

book History
Established Year - When was England Country Home, UN established?


Founding Story - How was England Country Home, UN founded?

Julius Philips was an outcast in his home town. Illegal and alone, he found an abandoned farm out of the way. He hatched a plan and has never left except to get new people to populate the area with

history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by Jessy Omega on

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