info Overview
Name - What is Minnesota, US’s full name?

Minnesota, US

Type - What type of location is Minnesota, US?

Warm, cool, woodsy

Description - Describe Minnesota, US.

A state in the United States that is filled with trees and animals, but also cute little towns and beautiful cities.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Minnesota, US?

English (most widely-established)

Population - What is Minnesota, US’s population?

5.577 million people

Currency - What currencies are used in Minnesota, US?

The US dollar and coin system

Motto - What is Minnesota, US’s motto?

L'Étoile du Nord
(French to English translation: "Star of the North")

Laws - What are the laws in Minnesota, US?


Sports - What sports are played in Minnesota, US?

Ice Hockey//Minnesota Wild
Basketball//Minnesota Timberwolves (NBA), Minnesota Lynx (WNBA)
Baseball//Minnesota Twins
American Football//Minnesota Vikings
Soccer//Minnesota United FC

business Cities
map Geography
date_range History
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Minnesota, US

Location chevron_right Notable cities link linked Minnesota, US

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