info Overview
Name - What is Caldin’s Caldera’s full name?

Caldin’s Caldera

Description - Describe Caldin’s Caldera.

It is the homeland of the few humans in the Cloud Lands, so named after its founder.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Caldin’s Caldera?

Lanhese, Grenghesh

business Cities
map Geography
Located at - Where is Caldin’s Caldera located?

It is located east of Gacker River, and north-east of Starry Valley.

Area - What kind of area is Caldin’s Caldera in?

It is in the side of an old volcano that was sealed with magic by the Zbuqall Sheka so the humans would survive.

Crops - What crops does Caldin’s Caldera produce?

They grow a variety of crops similar to grounder crops, but evolved to live in the clouds.

Climate - What is the climate like in Caldin’s Caldera?

Cold and windy, especially since it is a higher elevation than the rest of the Dragon Plains.

book History
Founding Story - How was Caldin’s Caldera founded?

Caldin’s Caldera was found and colonized by humans many centuries ago. They brought with them ferocious dragons and serpents and other terrifying creatures, but those beast quickly died as they were not used to the cold of the Cloud Lands.

history Changelog
edit Notes
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