info Overview
Name - What is Beech St, Bakersfield VT’s full name?

Beech St, Bakersfield VT

Type - What type of location is Beech St, Bakersfield VT?

It's an older neighborhood(House wise) and all who live there have a connection to each other but something bigger than them. (idk what to put here, all the mains live here during the present time of the story)

Description - Describe Beech St, Bakersfield VT.

In the middle of the forest next to a lake in North West Bakersfield.

face Culture
Currency - What currencies are used in Beech St, Bakersfield VT?

Same as the rest of the town

Laws - What are the laws in Beech St, Bakersfield VT?

Same as the rest of the town

Language - What languages are spoken in Beech St, Bakersfield VT?

English, French(primarily there are other languages spoken throughout the Town) (Edit 2: there is another language only used to natives of the community in Beech St.)

Sports - What sports are played in Beech St, Bakersfield VT?

There is archy but it isn't competitive, other than that there are no actual "competitive" sports unless you count children's games as "Competitive" sports. Although there are also (Sport is in progress of developing)

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Beech St, Bakersfield VT in?

Near the Canadian border, not near any roads for at least a few miles, next to a lake, in a dense forest

Crops - What crops does Beech St, Bakersfield VT produce?

Anything they can grow in the Malabou greenhouse is available.

Located at - Where is Beech St, Bakersfield VT located?

Northwest border of Bakersfield VT

Climate - What is the climate like in Beech St, Bakersfield VT?

Same as the rest of the town

book History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has Beech St, Bakersfield VT been involved in?

None unless you call the separation from the rest of the group and living separated and secluded from everyone until the 3rd generation of the family war.

Founding Story - How was Beech St, Bakersfield VT founded?

The street, Beech St was made in 1965 near Streeter Brook by a group who moved to the remote location to avoid mainstream society. One man from the group had an argument with the rest so he went off into the woods with is tools and supplies and was never seen again. When he went off into the woods he constructed himself a cabin.

Established Year - When was Beech St, Bakersfield VT established?


history Changelog
edit Notes

1) need to work on the development of the area
2) work on the unique culture only found there
3) work more on the folk tales and myths
4) layout


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