info Overview
Name - What is The Haven’s full name?

The Haven

Type - What type of location is The Haven?

Town/community (Utopia-like)

Description - Describe The Haven.

A safe, gated-community-like separate town for the Majestics

face Culture
Culture Description

private-school-like, suburban neighborhoods

Sports - What sports are played in The Haven?


Motto - What is The Haven’s motto?

Locus Pacis--- a place of peace

Language - What languages are spoken in The Haven?

Unknown and Latin

map Geography
Area - What kind of area is The Haven in?

Offset from the city, more trees and more open

Located at - Where is The Haven located?

On a hill, within the people in the city's sight, but the Majestics can't fully see the city, they can only see the "good" parts (Upper-Royal)

Climate - What is the climate like in The Haven?

Mild- same as the city

book History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has The Haven been involved in?


Founding Story - How was The Haven founded?

Created as a safe haven to give those who have achieved greatness and their families a sense of a utopia (kind of like a retirement home)

history Changelog
edit Notes

While those in the city can clearly see The Colony, those in The Colony can see the "good" parts of the city (Upper- Royal)(they know about the Regulars but think they are the absolute lowest members of society), but can't see the lower parts of the city (due to the walls). This is done to keep the Majestics oblivious, ignorant, happy, and more trusting of the gov. Also, in doing so, the city dwellers get a clear view of want they could have- if they work hard and obey the gov.

group Inhabitants




Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked The Haven

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