info Overview
Name - What is Nkai Trypes ’s full name?

Nkai Trypes

Description - Describe Nkai Trypes .

Lots of cliffs and caves, also lots of flat land

Type - What type of location is Nkai Trypes ?

Large island

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Nkai Trypes ?

Feron, but inhabitants know all human dialects as well

Sports - What sports are played in Nkai Trypes ?


Laws - What are the laws in Nkai Trypes ?

Females can not show wings after age 3
If someone touches your daughter's wings after age 4, you must kill her and her sisters

Population - What is Nkai Trypes ’s population?


Motto - What is Nkai Trypes ’s motto?

Purity above all else

Currency - What currencies are used in Nkai Trypes ?


business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Nkai Trypes in?


Climate - What is the climate like in Nkai Trypes ?

Kinda hot sometimes, pretty mild

Located at - Where is Nkai Trypes located?

In the middle of the Pacific

Crops - What crops does Nkai Trypes produce?

Fruits and veggies

book History
Established Year - When was Nkai Trypes established?

I don't think your calendars go back that far

Notable Wars - What notable wars has Nkai Trypes been involved in?


Founding Story - How was Nkai Trypes founded?

Fteron numbers shrank from across the world and ended up with only this one island

history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by A. A. on

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