Pool of Madness
Light Cerulean Blue
Has lines of dark red energy that course through it from Pan (think lightning visual)
Pan is the only creature able to access the Pool (without being trapped in Pan's manic mental state).
When Pan was first sent to Neverland, the Pool first came into being in the area where Pan was found by Bramwe, two small tears that merged together and eventually expanded into a pool of light cerulean blue liquid. Pan uses this Pool to calm his madness, which then leaks into the water, giving it it's name. After every visit to Earth, Pan submerges himself in the pool and stays in there until he believes it is safe for him to come out. The Pool is freshwater, and thus effective against mermaids. It is also capable of completely dissolving wraiths that failed to turn into Lost Boys. Pan uses some of this liquid in his barrier ritual, as it contains traces of his very soul and magic.
This location was created by M.C. Kapo on Notebook.ai.
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