Never Boy's Camp
HUGE, Training area, Tents for the boys, bonfire every night in the middle, branches off to different parts of the forest. Peter's cabin or treehouse down one of the paths. Soon shared with Bree. Prisons towards the west. In the middle of the island. Don't go to the East, Peter forbids it.
Some stuff in Neverlandian
20-30 Never Boys including Peter and Bree
I don't know
Don't come back until you've done it right; or don't come back at all.- Peter
Just do as Peter says
Clearing Peter makes if they move, in the middle of the forest.
Doesn't produce but has Never Jade growing around the island and down one of the paths. Never Jade is poisonous if ingested, or in blood stream. Other poisonous are Ink Berries. Black as ink, can be confused as safe. Dijon. Though it's a color, it's a flower too. Used in potions, the way it's used determines if it's fatal.
In the middle of the forest most likely, but sometimes Peter moves it.
Whatever Peter's mood is.
None that have occured
Made by Peter. Whenever it needs to be changed. No specific directions. You either know the way or you don't.
Who knows. Peter changes it.