info Overview
Name - What is Tokwek named?


Other names - What other names is Tokwek known by?

The Solare Tongue, Fire's Tongue

forum Info
speaker_notes Phonology

Tokwek is more guttural and harsh sounding, relying on consonants over vowels.

list Grammar
book vocabulary
Greetings - How do people speaking Tokwek greet each other?

Ptusta! (an exclamatory greeting, only used in celebrations)

Mige, Jjwe. (Blessings, you. More formal and standoffish)

Jjwe-git gyutt vays! (Today's better with you! More informal and intimate)

Thank you - How do people speaking Tokwek say "thank you"?

Kep jjwe Tikka. (lit. I thank you)


You are welcome - How do people speaking Tokwek say "you are welcome"?

Jjwe kkapqu. (lit. You got it)

Sorry - How do people speaking Tokwek say "I'm sorry"?

Kep punke. (My bad/I'm responsible)

settings_input_component Entities
Pronouns - What pronouns are there in Tokwek?

Kep - me, I
Jjwe - you

Jjwejjwe - our
Kipju - us

edit Notes
Character chevron_right Languages spoken link linked Tokwek

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