info Overview
Name - What is Ancient Felain named?

Ancient Felain

forum Info
speaker_notes Phonology
list Grammar
settings_input_component Entities
edit Notes
book vocabulary
Greetings - How do people speaking Ancient Felain greet each other?

Welcome = Utiléá
Hello = Goeni
Hi = G'ni
Good day = Ani yaesu

Goodbyes - How do people speaking Ancient Felain say "goodbye" to each other?

Good bye = Ani nur
See you = Kilo'na
Farewell = Pasrtevo

Family - What are the words for each family member in Ancient Felain ?

Mother = Likeu
Father = Likeuo
Brother = Moeno
Sister = Moena

Character chevron_right Languages link linked Ancient Felain

Location chevron_right Spoken Languages link linked Ancient Felain

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