info Overview
Name - What's the name of this landmark?

Aife's statue

Description - How would you describe Aife's statue ?

A statue of the angel of anger who serves the goddess of war.

Other names - What other names is Aife's statue known by?

Aife's Tribute, The Angel's Eye, Wing's of Marisha

location_on Whereabouts
face Appearance
Materials - What materials was Aife's statue constructed from?

Aife's statue was constructed with stone from the foot of the mountains that border Setsuna. Since Aife is an angel of Marisha, the statue is said to be blessed with the goddess' blood creating red streaks on the surface. Her hands are shown being held out; legend says they used to hold Marisha's sword. Her eyes are made of red gemstones and her wings used to be painted with gold. Her dress used to be made of fire and blood according to old myth.

local_florist Ecosystem
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history Changelog
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