info Overview
Name - What's the name of this landmark?

Fisherman's Perch

Other names - What other names is Fisherman's Perch known by?


Description - How would you describe Fisherman's Perch?

A lesser-known fishing destination, next to the rails beyond the highway bridge. Where York washes up.

location_on Whereabouts
face Appearance
Size - How big is Fisherman's Perch?

big boyo

Materials - What materials was Fisherman's Perch constructed from?

It's a natural development

local_florist Ecosystem
timeline History
Creation story - How did Fisherman's Perch originally form?


Established year - When did Fisherman's Perch originate?


history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Other

The neighborhood on the other side of the NH-3A bridge. Nearby Carthagina Island.


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