info Overview
Name - What is the name of Expedition Invitation?

Expedition Invitation

Description - How would you describe Expedition Invitation?

This is your invitation to Kingsreach, a port outpost on an island of the same name at the northwest edge of the Trackless Sea.

Explorers are needed to scout the wilderness, face monsters, protect the workers, and seek treasure to fund the building of this frontier town. Kingsreach Island is a mysterious place said to be connected to many other worlds, a land where the gods of Faerun hold little sway. Adventurers should be experienced to apply, and be prepared for a long period of less than comfortable living.

Listed among the duties are:

  • Additional protection for the town, if needed.

  • Exploration of the surrounding areas.

  • Cataloguing of ruins.

  • Thinning of monster populations.

  • Acquisition of valuable items for town funding.

  • Discovering locations of local resources.

  • Potentially act as envoys with local populations.

Type of job - What kind of job is Expedition Invitation?

Defend Target, Exploration, Information Gathering, Monster Bounty, Gather Materials, Item Retrieval, Secure Resources, Diplomacy

storage Requirements
hdr_weak Risks
hdr_strong Rewards
grain Specialization
date_range History
edit Notes

This job was created by Ash on

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