info Overview
Name - What is the name of Locate Ore?

Locate Ore

Description - How would you describe Locate Ore?

(Complete) Guardian has asked that you check the rocky cliffs to the southwest of the settlement for a possible ore deposit. This would allow the town to make weapons and tools without having to rely as much on the monthly shipments.

Type of job - What kind of job is Locate Ore?

Secure Resources

storage Requirements
hdr_weak Risks
hdr_strong Rewards
Pay rate - How much does Locate Ore pay?

2 Spell Scrolls (1 Burning Hands, 1 Ceremony), 75 GP, 3x Potions of Healing, 3x Rhodochrosite (25 GP), Blue Quartz (10 GP), Moss Agate (10 GP), 2x Malachite (10 GP)

Bonuses - What bonuses are possible when working Locate Ore?

Guardian will send for 4 miners, a blacksmith, and a new guardsman.

grain Specialization
date_range History
edit Notes

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