Merc, sellsword
Mercenaries most often work for the Moonlight Guard company, but there are a few smaller ones scattered about. No matter who they serve, however, members don't last long if they can't fight - combat prowess is a necessary job skill for survival. Other good skills to have include things such as lock picking and negotiation, but every good merc knows that when stealthing or talking fail they need something to fall back on and sheer brute force is almost always a good option.
In most cases, however, mercenaries are just hired guards of a sort. They serve kingdoms or armies as extra hands alongside the regular soldiers, doing the jobs that the soldiers won't for one reason or another. In many cases they are advance parties, taking on the danger of clearing a path ahead or scouting, or going into dangerous areas to make sure nothing interferes with a larger army force. In some cases they are issued to help with smaller issues such as eliminating a threat to a town as well, and are generally seen as expendable.
But to many this is a preferred way of life. They are paid better and have more freedom than joining an army in exchange for being the ones to dive headfirst into whatever danger is out there, and that gives them more chances to prove themselves as well. Not everyone can take it, but for those who can it's a way to make a pretty decent living.
This job was created by Sigilmancy on
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