info Overview
Name - What is Verlaxian Ale’s full name?

Verlaxian Ale

Item Type - What type of item is Verlaxian Ale?


Description - Describe Verlaxian Ale.

An extremely rare and expensive ale. According to legend, when a group drinks a bottle of this together, their fates will be intertwined forever - but also something good will happen to them, probably.

redeem Appearance
Materials - What is Verlaxian Ale made out of?

Verlaxian Hops, presumably.

date_range History
flash_on Abilities
edit Notes

Durnan's details

When asked about this ale, Durnan took Esmerelda aside and told her the following in private.

Verlaxian Ale is an honor, a gift. Share it only with those you trust. (He seemed surprised the party was going to share it with Volo.)
There are only a few bottles left that haven't been destroyed or consumed.
It was crafted in a mystic garden, whose location is now lost. The bottle he has was gifted to him by the owner of that garden. It's been almost 200 years since he saw another bottle of it.
If we ever find another bottle, he'd pay handsomely for it.

"I hope you relish it, whether you came across it by chance or by fate."

Afternoon Nap's details

Finally, Esmerelda asks about the Verlaxian Ale.
Nap runs his hand down the side of the bottle, pauses in a particular spot...
(He's checking for authenticity, and the year.)
"What did Durnan tell you about this, exactly?"
Esmerelda vaguely relates something about a garden and Durnan being there "when the magic was written" or whatever, and admits she wasn't paying close attention because she mostly just cared about drinking it.

Nap says:
According to the inscription, this stuff is over 300 years old.
When did you break the seal? (Just a few hours ago.)
Okay. So we have some time.

Esmerelda's a little impatient, but Nap says he wants us to know full well what we're getting into if we actually drink this.
It's legendary. It's rumored that only 10 bottles were ever distributed outside the mystic Garden of Verlaxia, where it was made.

if you partake, your luck will forever increase,
and you will come into some kind of bounty.
supposedly, everyone who drinks of it will have good stuff happen.
we're not really sure what that entails,
but some of them have included vast treasures,
inherited kingdoms,
there are only 3 or 4 bottles unaccounted for.
it binds your fates together forever.

now that you've opened it, you MUST either share it or finish it.
what if you don't empty it?
he's not sure, but nothing good.

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