- What is The Crown of Stars’s full name?
The Crown of Stars
Item Type
- What type of item is The Crown of Stars?
- Describe The Crown of Stars.
It is a silver crown, but thinner. Sort of a tiara. It has small dark blue crystals set in it, and an opal set into the middle.
- What is The Crown of Stars made out of?
It is made out of silver and different types of precious gems.
- How much does The Crown of Stars weigh?
It looks very heavy, given that it's metal and has crystals in it, but it is actually very light.
Year it was made
- When was The Crown of Stars made?
It was forged by the Great King.
Magical effects
- What kind of magic does The Crown of Stars possess?
It can show you the possible future according to the stars. Kind of like horoscopes, except it is more likely to happen.