- What is Shan Liu's Old Quarterstaff’s full name?
Shan Liu's Old Quarterstaff
Item Type
- What type of item is Shan Liu's Old Quarterstaff?
- Describe Shan Liu's Old Quarterstaff.
This quarterstaff is around 4 feet and rather short for a training staff. It comes in a light shade of beige and has many chips as well as bite marks due to Jinx using it as a chew toy. The quarterstaff is starting to fall apart...
- What is Shan Liu's Old Quarterstaff made out of?
Birch. It wasn't varnished.
- How much does Shan Liu's Old Quarterstaff weigh?
1.8 lbs
Year it was made
- When was Shan Liu's Old Quarterstaff made?
Prowler doesn't know. It was gifted to her before she went off to Greenhaven.
Magical effects
- What kind of magic does Shan Liu's Old Quarterstaff possess?
This quarterstaff does not have any magical abilities.
The quarterstaff is beginning to fall apart. Prowler will need to keep her new one at hand...