info Overview
Name - What is Shattered Diamond (Necklace)’s full name?

Shattered Diamond (Necklace)

Item Type - What type of item is Shattered Diamond (Necklace)?

Jewelry (cursed)

Description - Describe Shattered Diamond (Necklace).

This is the diamond that was shattered by Drake (???) (???)
using Andruin during the collapse of the The Magical Library. It is later found and currently in the possession of Lukas (???) Rainer.

(More info to be updated later.)

redeem Looks
Materials - What is Shattered Diamond (Necklace) made out of?

The necklace is made from the remains of the shattered Sacred Diamond, attached with a thin piece of wire to a leather cord.

Weight - How much does Shattered Diamond (Necklace) weigh?

1.58 pounds

date_range History
Year it was made - When was Shattered Diamond (Necklace) made?


flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Shattered Diamond (Necklace) possess?

It causes mana illness in people who aren't Magi under prolonged exposure. If left untreated this can eventually be fatal.

edit Notes

Upon further plot development, Lukas (???) Rainer will find that because of the sheer amount of magical energy the Diamond puts out, he's starting to develop an illness called Mana Sickness or Mana Poisoning.


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