info Overview
Name - What is Hanahaki Disease’s full name?

Hanahaki Disease

Item Type - What type of item is Hanahaki Disease?


Description - Describe Hanahaki Disease.

A soul-related infection that causes the victim to cough up or shed flowers

redeem Looks
Materials - What is Hanahaki Disease made out of?

Flower, typically one liked by the victim

Weight - How much does Hanahaki Disease weigh?

Starts of light (eg. Spitting up more flower buds) to enough to block the victim's throat

date_range History
bubble_chart Causes

Being near flowers during a soul corruption

flash_on Abilities
edit Notes
fingerprint Traits
local_hospital Effect

Coughing up flowers
Refusing to talk
Shedding skin
Growing flower-like appendages
Trouble breathing
Loss of appetite

Visual effects

Vision becomes blurry for short durations of time

Mental effects

Feeling like vines crawl up one's bodies


Can go on for a month to at least a year


Very severe: If it's left uncured one can die


Passive Hanahaki disease- It stays inside the victim and slowly kill them by blocking their airways

Active Hanahaki- Takes the form of what the victim fears most before it attacks the victim and takes the form of passive hanahaki. It does attack other random victims to take its form

Postive Effect

It can heal the victims from injures, perhaps out of way to make sure the victim dies from it alone

People can use hanahaki as a weapon or fertilizer

Some people can summon them for their own benefit

Neutral Effect

It produces flowers

Negative Effects

It slowly kills the victim usually making them suffer without them being able to escape by killing themselves

Active hanahaki can harm around innocent people

healing Treatment

Spirit Bond purifying the soul
Facing said fear or sorrow could allow it to loosen it's grip

storage Requirement
hdr_weak Risk
hdr_strong Rewards
folder_open Story
folder_open Hiearchy
folder_open Members

This item was created by Camilla on

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