info Overview
Name - What is Skiá (Σκιά) ’s full name?

Skiá (Σκιά)

Item Type - What type of item is Skiá (Σκιά) ?

Throwing knife

Description - Describe Skiá (Σκιά) .

Special knife created by Hephaestus for Ash

redeem Looks
Materials - What is Skiá (Σκιά) made out of?

Spring tempered carbon steel mixed with a piece of one of Zeus’s lightning bolts.

Weight - How much does Skiá (Σκιά) weigh?

200-250 grams

date_range History
flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Skiá (Σκιά) possess?

Kills faster and wounds never heal unless given help by the Gods.

edit Notes
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