- What is Sadie's wand’s full name?
Sadie's wand
Item Type
- What type of item is Sadie's wand?
- Describe Sadie's wand.
A cooking spoon, made of an old willow tree, so it is flexible. The wands handle is sort of Chunky, and it gets a little slender, but it widens out into a spoon. The handle has a bunch of tiny crystals encrusted in it
- What is Sadie's wand made out of?
An old Willow tree
- How much does Sadie's wand weigh?
Weightless (it was enchanted).
Year it was made
- When was Sadie's wand made?
When she was 11.
Magical effects
- What kind of magic does Sadie's wand possess?
Advanced in cooking charms and hexes. Curses are kinda not its thing, but it can do them professionally.
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