info Overview
Name - What is Master Cycle Zero’s full name?

Master Cycle Zero

Item Type - What type of item is Master Cycle Zero?

Sheikah Tech

Description - Describe Master Cycle Zero.

Link's beloved motorcycle that was gifted to him by the ancient Sheikah monks after he cleared the Champion Trials. Technically considered to be a Divine Beast.

redeem Looks
Weight - How much does Master Cycle Zero weigh?

65 pounds

Materials - What is Master Cycle Zero made out of?

The motorcycle is made from the same unknown material that all Sheikah technology is made from. The tires are made from the ancient material of rubber, and the bike itself runs on magical energy that can be derived from any material put into it's tank, although some materials yield better results than others.

book History
Year it was made - When was Master Cycle Zero made?

10,000 E.A.

flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Master Cycle Zero possess?

The MCZ runs on magical energy and can be fueled by literally any material from apples to monster parts. It can teleport to almost any place it is call to, and has a self-preservation system that causes it to automatically disappear when it senses that it's about to make a dangerous impact.

history Changelog
edit Notes

Link refers to it as a "horse automata", since the word "motorcycle" has yet to be coined.

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