info Overview
Name - What is Drinking Game’s full name?

Drinking Game

Description - Describe Drinking Game.

Notebook Edition

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Year it was made - When was Drinking Game made?


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history Changelog
edit Notes

Take a shot when:

  • Trashybeth makes a new RP

  • Miriam mentions mental break downs

  • Ella mentions being unhappy

  • Eris wheezes

  • Dom appears in a chat

  • Jynnie mentions Star Wars

  • Izzy mentions cats

  • Anyone mentions going to Dom’s on a llama

  • Someone doesn’t accept a compliment

  • An argument starts

  • There is a misunderstanding

  • One of the kins appear

  • Someone “stumbles” upon the Rudeness Chat

  • A new person joins the LGBTQ+ chat

  • Someone mentions something from the past (In the Rudeness Chat)

  • Someone gets annoyed that a discussion won’t end (In the Rudeness and Venting Chats)

  • Someone mentions they are crying

  • Someone mentions a musical

  • Moxie is called a Disney princess

  • Eris mentions martinis

  • Someone says anything related to “4/20 🍁”

  • Lee responds to an RP

  • Someone posts a video in the video message chat

  • Dom gives an odd compliment

  • Someone talks about flutes

  • Emi says “lmao”

  • Ella is called “muffin”

  • Eris is Annoyed™

  • Fraust says something completely off topic

  • Eris, Mox, & Dom are emulating Supreme Crackhead Energy™

  • Eris is overdramatic about anything

  • Eris is bored

  • Jynnie mentions Frankenstein

  • Jynnie quotes Shakespeare

  • Jynnie mentions Baby Yoda

  • Emi mentions Nate

  • S C R E A M I N G

  • Dom says something in Athalos (is that the name for it?)

  • Danny and Eris enter R rated territory

  • Someone uses a gif

  • Miriam quotes The Office

  • Jynnie calls someone a phony

  • Nia says 'aha'

  • Jynnie says 'lmao'

  • Ella calls someone a bean

  • Pickles says "oof" or "mood" in response to a vent (a bonus two shots if she does them both at the same time)

  • Pickles mentiones ducks

  • Today’s aesthetic:

  • A newbie starts drama

  • Ella makes a sexual joke or swears (a bonus two shots if she does them both at the same time)

  • Someone replies by mentioning a God (of any religion/belief)

  • One of your RPs is alive

  • Someone who has been inactive for a while, returns

  • A newbie joins without an @

  • Someone makes a Vine reference

  • Red mentions cosplay

  • The site glitches

  • Miriam mentions her hair

Have an entire glass when Andrew pops into a chat.


This item was created by Lee on

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