info Overview
Name - What is Shadow Soul’s full name?

Shadow Soul

Item Type - What type of item is Shadow Soul?

It is a very strong sword, infused with the power of nino’s demon shadow wolf, Nero. He can use this sword to summon Nero to help him in fights, or guidance if he’s on the run from someone, or trying not to be noticed by the next victim

Description - Describe Shadow Soul.

Nino’s sword given to him by Nero

redeem Looks
Materials - What is Shadow Soul made out of?

Steel infused with titanium alloy and demon magic

Weight - How much does Shadow Soul weigh?

2.5-3 pounds

date_range History
Year it was made - When was Shadow Soul made?


flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Shadow Soul possess?

Can summon a demon wolf
The rest are unknown, for now...

history Changelog
edit Notes

A sword given to Nino by Nero, a demon who normally takes the form of a wolf. Nino first found Nero by the wood line after Nino rescued his cousin from a house fire, but he wasn’t sure what he saw. Just a shadowy void.The next day, Nino went back to the house for a few things. Before he left, he checked the wood line to find this shadow. He set the things down next to the wood line to go investigate. After he set it down, the first thing he noticed... was a blood trail. He followed this trail for a few minutes, and heard a noise. An animal whimpering because it was hurt. Nino found the animal. It was the same thing he saw the night of the fire, but now that he’s closer, he can see more of what it actually is. It was a wolf, surrounded by a dark, shadowed fog. Nino helped this wolf recover and heal. Nino was curios about what happened, and Nero told him what happened. He followed Jeff after the fire, making sure he wasn’t going to do any more harm to anyone else that day. Jeff noticed him, and went after Nero. He ran off, trying to lead him away from Jayden, Jeff’s young sister, so He wouldn’t go into another rampage. Jeff threw his knife, hitting the wolf, then Jeff ran off. Nero gave the sword to Nino as a thanks, and so that Nino could summon him whenever he needed. Many years later, he lost this sword, and he saw Slenderman take it. Nino thought he was just a story, a legend, and now he has the power and alliance of his wolf. Nino’s heard so many stories on what he could do to people, driving some crazy, and abducting children. Nino was terrified, and he didn’t want to lose the last of his family. His young cousin, Jayden. Nino was afraid that he was next...

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