- What is Caecilia's pendant’s full name?
Caecilia's pendant
Item Type
- What type of item is Caecilia's pendant?
- Describe Caecilia's pendant.
A necklace with a fire charm on the chain. It belonged to caecilia but was then owned by her sister after it was believed that caecilia died in the house fire that killed their parents.
- What is Caecilia's pendant made out of?
metal chain, silver pendant painted with red and orange to create the image of flames
- How much does Caecilia's pendant weigh?
1 gram
Year it was made
- When was Caecilia's pendant made?
unknown at this point
Magical effects
- What kind of magic does Caecilia's pendant possess?
It's a necklace that signifies Caecilia and her fiery passion. It was given to her by her sister Gwynn when caecilia was a young child. After the house fire, Gwynn found the necklace in the rubble and has worn it ever since.