info Overview
Name - What is Demon's Bow’s full name?

Demon's Bow

Item Type - What type of item is Demon's Bow?

Bow and Arrow

Description - Describe Demon's Bow.

This bow and arrow can be found in the universe Oakland. It was originally found in what people called was the Demon's Cave. That's where supposedly, an elderly man had found a bow and arrow (like this one) and had used it to shoot a deer. When the deer was shot, a tall, ashy, black figure erupted from the deer and screamed at the man. The man was forced to hide in the cave where he was then tortured for over 45 years and ended up dying from blood loss. No one has ever returned to the cave.

redeem Looks
date_range History
Year it was made - When was Demon's Bow made?


flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Demon's Bow possess?

When the arrow is shot, the back of the arrow will catch on fire, making the target catch on fire as well before the arrow hits the target. When the arrow does hit the target, the target will explode.


This item was created by Anasia on

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