info Overview
Name - What is Angel's Cross Eā€™s full name?

Angel's Cross E

Item Type - What type of item is Angel's Cross E?


Description - Describe Angel's Cross E.

This spear can ONLY be used by angels. The magic power will only work if a drop of blood is put in the center of the spear. It is very powerful and can injure the user if abused

redeem Looks
Materials - What is Angel's Cross E made out of?

Metal and steel

Weight - How much does Angel's Cross E weigh?

2 lbs

date_range History
Year it was made - When was Angel's Cross E made?



Angel Cross was first discovered by a woman named Kalith Charfield. She was actually a human but had died and turned into an angel. She kept the weapon with her the entire time and never thought she would have to use it but when the was a war, she decided that it was her time.

flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Angel's Cross E possess?

  • It can stun a demon for a least 2 hours before the user's energy will be drained.

  • If the user is strong enough, the magic can last longer that over 45 days without having to drop blood into the spear


This item was created by Anasia on

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