info Overview
Name - What is Sword of Alak’uri’s full name?

Sword of Alak’uri

Item Type - What type of item is Sword of Alak’uri?

A long sword

Description - Describe Sword of Alak’uri.

A sword meant to slice through hordes. It is heavy but very balanced, and can cut through most armors. Alak’uri

redeem Looks
Materials - What is Sword of Alak’uri made out of?

Use to be made of armor, but now it’s made of dark red shards meant to destroy and become invulnerable to most things.

Weight - How much does Sword of Alak’uri weigh?

28 lbs

book History
flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Sword of Alak’uri possess?

As you kill, it seems to grow a little lighter. The shards widen themselves so they cut farther.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This item was created by James Hudson on

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