- What is Dijon’s full name?
Item Type
- What type of item is Dijon?
- Describe Dijon.
Dijon yellow. Looks kind of like a cross between a sunflower and a daisy.
- What is Dijon made out of?
- How much does Dijon weigh?
A couple ounces
Year it was made
- When was Dijon made?
when Neverland was made
Magical effects
- What kind of magic does Dijon possess?
What it can do depends on how it's used. It could be used as poison, or in a healing potion. Just depends on how it's used. If ingested raw, hallucinations. Probably death, or major injury. Always cook it. Before using it or in a potion. If used for poison, must use at least 3-5 depending on how much you give the person. Crushed up it looks like a yellow green. Petals are Dijon and seeds are bright green.