info Overview
Name - What is Music box.’s full name?

Music box.

Item Type - What type of item is Music box.?

Music box.

Description - Describe Music box..

A wooden music box with ornate carvings gilded in gold. The carvings come together to form three circles and inside those circles are three crosses. On the first cross is a dove, on the second is a crown, and the third is a crown of thorns.
It plays a magical tune that wards away demons.

redeem Looks
Weight - How much does Music box. weigh?

About one pound.

Materials - What is Music box. made out of?


book History
Year it was made - When was Music box. made?

No one knows.

flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Music box. possess?

It wards off demons.

history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Items link linked Music box.

This item was created by Angel with a music box on

See more from Angel with a music box
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