info Overview
Name - What is The book’s full name?

The book

Description - Describe The book.

A magic book with all there is to know about the universe and the planet. It may also have relation with the no more living universe

Item Type - What type of item is The book?

A book

redeem Looks
Materials - What is The book made out of?

Paper, jellyfish encre and sope kind of animals hair

Weight - How much does The book weigh?


book History
Year it was made - When was The book made?

A long time ago, before the royalty of Fibora

flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does The book possess?

Connection with the no more living, the animals, the plants (?). May help to use all the magic in the world and no more only one maximum

history Changelog
edit Notes



This item was created by Mathilde on

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