info Overview
Name - What is Death's Order’s full name?

Death's Order

Description - Describe Death's Order.

When first found it was embedded in Key's back as a pair of tattered mechanical wings, but can take the shape of anything its holder needs

Item Type - What type of item is Death's Order?

A weapon said to be able to destroy anything

redeem Looks
Materials - What is Death's Order made out of?

Various different ethereal metals mixed with elements of altered Phantom Jade

Weight - How much does Death's Order weigh?

Depends on its form

book History
Year it was made - When was Death's Order made?

The same time Molhaven was created

flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Death's Order possess?

Shape shifting, power amplification, power dampening

history Changelog
edit Notes

Isn't found until the end of Infinitalis' storyline, found in the Enderspine

Character chevron_right Items link linked Death's Order

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